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The Educated Engine Co.

simple & effective fire suppression solutions

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It's simple, but not easy.


Our mission is to help fire departments improve their fire suppression capabilities by providing simple, effective, and versatile solutions that directly support saving lives and preserving property. 


We focus on four main components that are critical for success in any organization:






This is typically the biggest hurdle when trying to implement change. We provide proven strategies to bring your organization together in achieving fireground superiority. More...

We utilize a non-confrontational, fact-based approach to teaching best practices in stretching and advancing hose, moving and applying water. More...

We provide your members the necessary education to make informed decisions on engine, hose and nozzle specification & layout. More...

This critical last step is often overlooked. We have a streamlined process to ensure that your implementation is successful. More...




The Educated Engine Co. is the first service of its kind to provide everything necessary to improve the suppression capabilities of fire departments; from education and training to strategies and systems for implementing change.


There are many outstanding sources of information in the North American fire service today, but until now,  there was no roadmap to take this knowledge, apply it, and actually implement change in an organization.


We brought together a diverse team of fire service professionals that have all been successful in leading meaningful change in our own organizations, as well as many others, to create a blueprint that individuals and organizations can follow to accomplish their goals.


We are passionate about providing education, ensuring the appropriate equipment is purchased, and finding solutions to implement positive change in your organization.  




Our goal is to provide your organization an outside perspective with regards to equipment, knowledge, and how to effectively apply both. This is not based on our opinion, but on science, data, and vetted practical application.  Outside perspective reinforces things that are being done well, but can also make improvements that leads to a better level of service. Often just adjusting a few minor things will translate to big gains on the fire ground.  

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."


- Unknown

Equipment Evaluation & Consulting

Specification and layout of equipment drives strategy and tactics.


Given the current economic conditions and an uncertain future, it's never been more important to ensure that the correct equipment is purchased and implemented the first time to avoid a 10, 20, or 30-year mistake.


We are able to assist with evaluating your current equipment and provide the necessary education for your members to ensure informed decisions when making future purchases. This may include specification and layout of engine, hose, and nozzles based on your organization's built environment, staffing, procedures, budget, and current equipment. Our focus is on simplicity and versatility.


The format will depend on your organizations needs and budget and can range from video conferencing, to multi-day onsite visits and a comprehensive written report. 


Training & Education

The science of fire behavior and moving water doesn't change, just our understanding of it. We utilize a non-confrontational, fact-based approach to teaching best practices in stretching and advancing hose, moving and applying water. This can range from small groups, to providing training for your entire organization.


Our training programs will be based on your organization's specific needs and can be delivered in various formats. When necessary, our hands-on training will be augmented with classroom (or video conferencing), or online delivery through our training delivery platform, Rescue Hub

Implementation Strategy & Systems 

The biggest hurdle most organizations face in implementing change is adjusting individual mindsets to absorb information from outside sources. Especially when that information is contrary to "how we've always done it". There is no shortage of information available to the fire service, but it is typically our ego that stands in the way of accepting this information and putting it to work.


We have been extremely successful in assisting organizations of all sizes implement significant positive change by  committing to following our process. Just like committing to a weight loss plan, the solutions are simple, but not necessarily easy. 


Our process focuses around facts and trust, not opinions and ego. We provide an outside perspective based on a blend of vetted research and practical application. Most importantly, we provide a plan.


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LeGear Engineering and Fire Department Consulting
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